This samurai-sword-swinging robot arm might be better than WWDC (Tomorrow Daily 190)
This samurai-sword-swinging robot arm might be better than WWDC (Tomorrow Daily 190)

This samurai-sword-swinging robot arm might be better than WWDC (Tomorrow Daily 190)

On today's show, a robot samurai bests its human master in a duel. Oh and boy what a weekend, what a lovely weekend because robots faced off against each other and only I think four, only four won. And lastly, Apple threw their developer's conference. Yes, we're going to recap WWDC. Its tomorrow daily. [MUSIC] Hey everybody welcome back to tomorrow daily. The best talk show in the whole world Im your host Ashley Esqueda Joining me again as always. So you. I'm sorry, I just. You okay? It was so boring. I fell asleep. Okay, so what's great is I didn't watch it, so apparently that's good for me, but we're going to recap what happened. I'll tell you all about it right now. [MUSIC] Okay. So a lot of people [CROSSTALK] Google I/O wasn't very exciting. I hate to break it to you Apple fans. WWDZZZZ was all not all that exciting. But there was some new things. that we can tell you about that might be coming to your iPhone, iPad or your Macbook if you are so inclined. Okay, so let's start off with IOS nine. So IOS nine lots of stability, lots of fixes No major visual changes. That was IOS 8. That was the big visual change. They have a new UI, some responsiveness to some very specific requests, for example, you can ask Siri, "Show me photos from Utah last August or remind me to grab my coffee from the roof of the car when I get in. You can ask for these reminders so for right now Siri has not been very great. I made a joke on Twitter. They were like Oh, Siri has taken over one billion requests, and I'm like and she has not been able to answer [LAUGH] 999,999,999 of them. So they have this thing called proactive assistant, which I thought was pretty interesting, and that's the whole like you can ask Siri, sort of proactive, it's gonna guess kind of what you're doing. Stuff like that. And you could also ask things like, they did a thing with Siri saying like, hey, play the song from Selma. And so you are not asking for something very specific but it knows what you want. It knows the specific song from Selma you You want. Because that, sir, is the song everybody asked for. It's Glorious by Common. Oh, okay. Yeah, that's right. So that, and then it was like, oh yeah, the song from Selma. Okay. And what do they play off of? Okay. So they played it off of Apple Music. So this is a certain. Boom, transition. Go ahead. Great transition. Apple Music. Ten bucks a month for a single subscription. This is their acquisition of Beats. This is now finally rolling out as an Apple product. It is gonna be, like I said, 10 bucks a month for single subscription, so similar to Spotify. Oh. But 14.99 for a shared family account for up to six people. Get out of here. They're shaking that up. So I would imagine Spotify will probably respond in kind with some sort of multiple account access for A higher rate. Cardio does this [CROSSTALK] I'm sure that there's, I've seen that video that goes deeper into this. We have tons of coverage on all of WWD- But you're coming over everything. [CROSSTALK] I just wanna give you guys the sort of broad strokes here. And they're also going to do something called Beats One. Which is gonna be a global radio Station, they're doing a thing called connect. Which is kind of like a social media network but inside Apple music, just for artists. So, they showed a clip where they were like, "Let's go see what Ferrell is going or let's go see what this artist is doing in the studio." And it Shows this beautifully curated page of the pictures they've been posting on social media. They can do things like lyrics. They can put up audio clips. They can do little videos. All sorts of stuff. They carry it all together like we're seeing on the screen in this beautiful little setup. Where you're able to see all the stuff that's kind of, going on in your favorite artist's career at this Which is pretty cool>>okay>>Not quite like Ping which was a big fat nightmare>>Jeez I don't even remember that>> and failed very quickly>>Alright, that seems whatever, but okay>>You're going to get a 3 month trial, it launches at the end of June, free trial for 3 months, and then>> everybody that has an apple gets a free trial>> free trial, and then on android they're going to release apple music in the fall So they're gonna have Apple Music on Android devices if you. Smart. Maybe if you have a Macbook and that you use iTunes but then you have an Android device and you've been looking to kind of switch over to Apple's ecosystem in terms of iTunes an all that stuff. Real quick poll. Logan, would you likely drop Spotify for this? Nope, not doing it. He says no. No loss of my playlists. Oh my God! So here's the thing, I have been hearing conflicting reports about no offline playlists. I've heard that maybe they just glossed over that because that was just sort of a standard feature, but they did make mention of the fact that if you really like a song in the streaming service in Apple music, you could tap on Buy and buy it Immediately like an iPhone. So, you have to own the music? No, not necessarily. No, I don't think so. Hm. But, they made mention of that feature. The thing is, I don't think that means, no offline playlist very specifically. Stay tuned to CNet. Well, I'm sure they break it. I'm sure they have it on the event. Yes, we'll break it all down for you. Okay. Anything else worth talking about at this thing? A map It's got public transit info, so for anybody who relies on the subway to get to work, school, wherever>> They didn't have that before?>> No, a lot of people have been using google maps>>Oh no, yeah you're right>> It did to an extent but it wasn't It wasn't very good. And, I mean, a lot of Apple apps are not any good. I often joked around about how I said queue the deluge of people who accidentally got sent to the wrong place because they've trusted Apple maps as their public transportation. It just happened to me the other day. I was going to the YouTube space. And it threw me like a mile away and then made me track all the way back. That's really weird. I didn't even make it- I passed [UNKNOWN]. It's stupid. They also showed off a thing that is very flip forward like called "News." It's gonna,I'm assuming replace "Newstand." And basically, it's like Flipboard. You have all these different content creators and you can see all these like, sort of, curated, really pretty layouts for articles and features and things like that. They have multitasking on the iPad which is a really big deal. A lot of people have been asking for that. Here it is on video. Craig Segeretti also known as hair force one because his hair is so delightful. Showing off multitasking on the iPad. It's only going to work on the Air and the Air 2 as far as I'm aware now. Why? Well, I think it has to do with processing power, it has to be able to deal with two different windows. But he talked about how you have these windows, you can pull up different things. Very similar to what we've seen in a few different Android tablets. And also, the Surface Pro does look similar but it's kind of a little computer as opposed to just a tablet. You can see this is how it works. It's pretty simple. It's pretty straightforward, easy to use. I'm looking forward to that, but unfortunately I only have an iPad mini, so this will be completely worthless to me when it comes out in iOS 9. Passbook is now called Wallet. They've changed Passbook to Wallet so you can use Apple Pay, but also they're like kinda we feel like it's kinda graduated beyond just little passes for stuff. So now this is like your wallet. We have Apple Pay in there. Your cards are in there now. Your rewards cards are in there now. And other stuff. Apple Pay also comes in the UK. So congrats United Kingdom. You're gonna get to pay with your phone. And all those check out clerks are gonna look at you like you're a wizard. Because they're always confused when I use Apple Pay. They're like I don't think that's gonna work. And I'm like see, it worked. It's fine. And they're like how did you do that. Oh my heck did nobody train anybody on this? You guys have really good crisps over their in London. Anyway, so is that it? I love the prawn cocktail crisps. The best crisps in the world. Oh, I'm gonna try those. Oh you absolutely have to. And then lastly, OS10, 10.11 is El Capitan. That's the name of the operating system, we have Maverick. Yosemite, I see going with the whole places in California. So here is El Capitan its a performance upgrade and we've. The mouse is huge. The public beta will be available in July as well as for the first time IOS 9 will have a public beta available to try it out. All right it was boring in a relative sense. I still think Google IO was way more boring. I.>>At least they introduced the music service thing.>>That's fair, Jimmy Ivon came out. That was fine. I think that they were, I think they were both like improving on things that already existed.>>Yeah.>>So it was like these are great, these are all great things, don't get me wrong. These are all awesome. I'm excited for all these things. I'm excited for all the things Google is doing. But it feels like it was a lot of iterative, sort of, okay well we have this and now we're just gonna polish it up even more. On both ends of Google and Apple. Hey, maybe, you know, we realized that not every single one of these is going to be ground breaking. Well it's- Should go in with. Just, you know, tempered expectations. I think so. And I think this is sort of, it speaks to this entitlement to innovation that I talk about a lot. Where it's like people feel like we need to have innovative devices like every year. People get mad. When their devices do not, like, blow their minds. And it's like it doesn't have to. Porsches generally speaking haven't majorly changed the design of their car. Like, they have improved it little by little every year, and they're amazing now. But it doesn't need to be a completely different car every time. It can still be great, but it doesn't have to be so totally different that, you know, you don't have to go to the other side to [CROSSTALK] make a splash. I buy into that metaphor. You don't have to go to the side. Nice. Don't have to. Of course [CROSSTALK] You can make it better as you go like this. It doesn't have to be like we're here and now we're way over here, no. You don't have to do a 180 to impress. I think it was good, it was fine, it was acceptable and satisfactory, I'm sure, in all the ways that Apple people would like, but I felt the same way about Google ios, which was like it was good, it was good. I think there were some good updates, I think people will be very happy with what they're gonna get in their operating system of choices upgrade later this year, but other than that, we're done here cool, alright, what did you get out of Ten 6.5 I think you gave a 7 to the Google IO>> Yeah, 6.5, 7, right around there, you know they kind of forgot about Dre if I'm being honest, they did not bring out Dr. Dre. They forgot about him. So the DARPA robotics challenge happened this weekend. Boy, is that a really cool competition. So, if you don't know, the DARPA robotics challenge is everybody brings their robots together, and they try and compete in this obstacle course. I love this. All different designs of robots. Just trying to complete this obstacle course and it's really interesting. We've got a hilarious video of a whole bunch of robot builds. I cannot wait. That's coming up, just wait for that. Yes. But let's talk about the winners. Ok who won? We want to talk about team Cast from South Korea. They won two million dollars with their robot. Because their robot is a transformer in a way. It They can like transform to move differently. Okay. Its really cool. Its one of only three robots that managed to complete the course, so its really impressive. Okay their going to do the transforming in just a second. I love how that they have Optimus Prime just hanging around. If your watching they're going to do the transforming in just a second. It got through the obstacle course at under 45 minutes, which I guess is pretty good. I think that's pretty good, all things considered. Check it, this is their robot right here. Look at that thing twisting. Oh my gosh! Look at it! Its legs bend backwards! It moves different, like it changes the way that it moves, and the reason, let me give you the goal, the reason why this thing existed This contest was open after the earth quake and nuclear disaster in Fukushima Japan in 2011. Okay, okay. So the whole point is to create a robot that can complete tasks during a disaster strike So it makes sense that they make an obstacle course. And the one that can make it though can transform- Has to be super versatile, right. That makes a lot of sense. No, that does make sense. And I love how they're saying bipedal walking. This could be really precarious. But then they also have, like you were saying. Transforms and has wheels. And it can just wheel itself around. Isn't that one of the best looking. There's a lot of ones that were like janky. They had like You know big giant battery pack behind them. The second place team was team THMC, they had a robot based on Boston Dynamics' Atlas robot. There was a lot of the, there's a lot of Atlas robots. Modifications in there. I was gonna say, yeah I've heard that a lot of these entrants to these competition will take a robot like Alice or there was another robot too that they take that's like a base model and then they add on to it or they change it up to where it's like their own robot, but they use that as sort of a jumping off It's pretty cool. That is pretty amazing. But yeah. [CROSSTALK] A robot competition so that we can have a better future. And unfortunately only three of them made it through the course. But $2 million to South Korea. Who now beat us at robotics and Starcraft. And [CROSSTALK] This South Korean team. Team cast. That's pretty amazing. That In a weird way, brings us back to the question of the day, the hashtag of the day, for the last article. Yeah, that's true. Whoops, we forgot to mention the hashtag of the day. We did. So let's go back and mention the hashtag of the day. Okay, which is. So hurray for robots, but Hurray for robots, but TDWWDC15, one five. And tell us are you angry. Are you bored, are you sad, are you hungry? How do you feel? About what? About the? What was your response to WWDC's announcement? Oh, to WWDC. Like, are you really feeling it? Is there something that maybe was missing? I personally would have liked to have seen the Apple TV get a refresh. A new set-top box. So would Our old friend Brian Tong. Yeah, old BT. [CROSSTALK] Because I saw him. Because they have the live string thing if you don't know. And they were in that little sound booth and Brian Tong was like this the whole time. He was sad. I think he was bumming, he was bumming there was no Apple TV. But he talked about it on Apple Byte. He was like yeah, there's not gonna be Apple TV this year. And I have a feeling, a lot of that had to do with it. And I think a lot of people are speculating light agreements with studios for streaming and all this other stuff. Like, to have all these companies and partnerships where you're streaming content. Time is running out. We'll see. We got Google Chrome and we got. I know. There's some bright choices. You know? Kindle and. Roku. Yeah, Roku. We got a lot of set top boxes. And just using your phones. But Apple. I mean, I think this is a really good chance for Apple to kind of take that set top box area out of the hobbyist section, cuz right now there are all these sort of $100 boxes. The Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV, Roku, you've got all these boxes that are about $100. Chromecast, a little bit different, but still like $35 so cheap But then maybe you do something like XBOX One. Where you're actually be able to plug your cable into Apple TV. And then it's like you can also watch all of your cable subscriptions. I'm sure they've got a lot of great things. [CROSSTALK] So we'll see if that comes to pass. But it has to happen relatively quickly. So what about you. Was there anything that you wanted Apple to show off? I just wanted the Apple TV, to be honest with you. And I also want them to introduce some sort of VR headset or AR thing. Yeah. I know that they probably just started working on it, they're like, oh my god, everybody's doing this, we gotta do this, guys we gotta. We gotta do it. They did buy an AR company, I wanna say they acquired them maybe a week or two ago? That was the rumor. Yeah, but I'm sure we're like That's gonna be the next, it's gonna be like the iHood store. Yeah, of course. Well then, of course the Apple car is a thing. They're saying that's gonna happen in the next five to ten years. I do not want an Apple car. You don't want an Apple car? That's the line for me, alright? That's where you draw the line. I don't need an Apple everything, I only have this. I don't need to be driving around in a car, and Siri, and this, and a computer, and a headset- No, too much. Car's too far. Tell me about samurai robots. You're gonna flip out like a ninja when you see this. This videos' the greatest thing I have ever seen in my life Can we just transition as, meanwhile in Japan meanwhile in Japan as we like to say, Motoman- MH24 is a robot that was designed by Japanese engineers to mimic the sword moves of the Samurai masters. Yeh Yes. And so what they did was they took this robot, which is just one big robot arm, it's not like Atlas where it's walking around swinging a sword like a Knight of the Round Table. Sure. They tracked the movement of real-life Samurai Master, here he is, Isao Machii and they uploaded those moves right into the robot, so they tracked both and this guy's got world records, he's a world record holder, this guy is an amazing Our [INAUDIBLE] sword master. This guy is an amazing samurai sword master, okay? And then what they did was they uploaded all those moves into the robot, and then they did a duel between the two of The dual was not them swinging swords at each other, because, wow, that would be really dangerous. yeah, I think he'd lose. It was a whole bunch of trials. They did four different challenges basically of diagonal cuts and you'll see all the different kinds. They're like, ok, you have to do all these cuts And the robot would mimic that and that would sort of score all these things. So the robot beat him I think this is the best story of the episode it's kind of my favorite, I'm going to be honest, this video is unbelievable>> I could watch this for hours. Why they didn't bring this robot out I don't know This is crazy is he not, like I'm just going for like honor here, is he not mad that like it's taking away the art form? I don't know. I would like to ask. Like if there's a host robot I don't think I'm good but I would have been like you don't understand me I'm hosting. But they got like horizontal cut okay oh by the way Can I just mention this guy, this Samurai master can hit a fried shrimp in half as it flies 80 MPH through the air. Yea. Right. PS, a fried shrimp. A little fried shrimp. He can hit it like a baseball bat but just slice it in half as it's going 80 MPH in the air. This guy is not a joke. He is Serious sword master but yea I don't know how he feels about having his moves uploaded to a robot and then the robot beat him in a dual they even did a thousand cuts and my favorite part of this entire competition was at the very end they bowed to each other The robot bowed at him. [LAUGH] I'm sorry, I just took a drink while the screen was up, and I almost spit up. He almost choked. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that. Look, he bowed. Again, I'm going back to, he bowed out- Watch. Watch. Watch. They're gonna bow at each other right now. Look, it's a mutual respect. That's the best. No. He bowed out of honor. The robot bowed because he was programmed to. No. No honor, this is- The robot Respected him. I saw Tomorrowland this weekend, but I'm still mad about that. [LAUGH] This is better than all of that. I'm just mad, I'm scared. So fortunately the robot again it was uploaded, it was programmed to do all those things, so it did not learn Could use the sword in such a great way. So we can rest easy for tonight knowing that this robot is not going to go on a murdering rampage. Really cool video though. Good find. It's so awesome. I like that. But now we have my robot video that I was talking about earlier. Oh yeah yeah, we're gonna do that. So we're gonna back with your user feedback and all that fun jazz that we have afterwords. But before we go, this is from the Darpa robot challenge this weekend. Here are all the fails. [MUSIC] Welcome back to the show. And we return. And we're running long. We are running very long. So can we, can we? Yeah. It's time for back it or hack it. [NOISE] Go. Okay. People are going nuts for this on Kickstarter. It's called Hidrateme. This is a smart water bottle. How weird is that? It's already weird, go. Super weird, okay. [LAUGH] It keeps tabs on your water drinking throughout the day. This is not that. This is the prototype. Yeah, pretty stupid looking. Yeah, very dumb. But keep Keeps tabs of your water drinking throughout the day, and then tells you when you need water by glowing. There's an LED light that glows. I want this so bad! Okay, I know, I knew you would like this. Kale drinks like 8 gallons of water a day- Water is so important Yeah it is. It's so important it's the most under. Okay, keep going. It holds 24 ounces of water. It has one year of battery life. And the battery is very replaceable. They say it's a battery you can find at any drugstore. So probably some kind of watch battery. It is dishwasher safe, which I really like because a lot of the metal ones like Zojirushi and Swell and all of those, you can't put in the dishwasher. You can't dishwash them. And it comes in five colors. It talks to your wearables too, and this is a thing I really like about it. So if you're exercising it actually adjusts, and knows you need more water. And it'll tell you, hey, you need more water. So cool. Yeah. So I thought you would really like this. It's also really beautifully designed. I just like that it is very Plain, it's not like [UNKNOWN], there's the glowing right there telling you hey buddy drink some water! I'm glowing! Yeah. This is great. I think just drinking more water is just a nice edition. It helps you sleep better. It makes your skin look better You even you would lose bags under your eyes, and your body likes it better, you digest better. That's true. This may seem small and you may think Caleb's dumb, he likes water bottles, well I do. But, it's pretty great and so I just just like the whole thing about it saying like oh you're exercising you need more water. Yeah. Like realizing from your fitbit or whatever that you're exercising so you need more water. Now they need to find a way to make it so that it tracks when you're drinking a lot. Then it's like yo you need to drink some water. You are getting drunk and you need hydration. We should make a wearable that tracks your blood alcohol level and talks to the app. Mine would be like Start alarms sounding. Okay cool so. How much did you pay? One year battery life? Mm-hm. $30? Okay, so on Kickstarter it's 45. One year battery life though. Now, that being said, ships December this year One year battery life but the thing is you don't have to recharge it. That was their big thing was they were like we don't having to recharge your water bottle every night. It's dumb. So you have this little battery, it's like a watch battery, and then you just replace it after a year. For like five bucks. Those batteries are pretty cheap. You said $45? Yeah. 45 bucks. I would definitely do that. Ships out in December this year and they asked for $35,000. There's 35 days left in the campaign, they have over $200,000. So they're doing just great. Cool, I can't wait for this to exist. I agree. I back it, back Logan on this. Logan? Back it. Okay, so there you go. Everyone's in. It's already on the market now. Go get it. Go get it. Alright. So now it's time for your user feedback. [MUSIC] All right guys, so last week we asked you guys to talk about the Disney research plan to add walking robotic characters into the parts. Oh yeah, the terrifying robots that [UNKNOWN] We asked you guys to take this as a photo challenge and send over images of children that you think they're giving a face that would be giving an appropriate reaction to seeing. And there was some really good response. Very good response. So Mitchell wrote in and here's Mitchell's Yep, it's just Chucky. Terrifying Chucky. Nice. This here is Joe's, in which he sent in a picture with his kid. [LAUGH] I love that. Took a selfie. Way to go Joe! Listen, I am just as surprised as your baby. That is hilarious. J.L. Fox wrote and sent this. [LAUGH] [LAUGH] A little Brooklyn-Nine-Nine happening there. Gail wrote in and sent over this. Oh hey there's pooh. Wait, what? Aah! [LAUGH] Like it's screaming, which I love. And then Justin wrote in and said, to my geeks at Tomorrow Daily, I present the sketch out kid on Disneyland. He knows what's up. I love that he's just like, I don't think so. [LAUGH] And then lastly James emailed us and said, love the show, and then that was the picture that he sent. A very surprised baby. There is a lot more actually. There was a lot, and also I might add, very shocked that the majority of you did not send in crying children. Which I thought would be the number one image. It was mostly just surprised faces. True That. But I was expecting like, terrorized. Traumatized babies, so opportunity missed. Yeah. I don't know. I think that these days are, I think they've seen some messed up stuff, so. They've seen some stuff, guys. They've been places. They've done things. Now it's time for our last piece of user feedback, which is. Our phonetographer of the day. There you go. [MUSIC] I don't know why I did this, because that's a normal camera with a view finder, then I guess you do it with your phone,>>don't be so hard on yourself>> the volume button. Danny wrote in and said 'hey, first time e-mailer, long time watcher. I love your show and I watch it All the time. Well, here's my picture. It is a wonderful picture of the Canadian Parliament in Ottawa. I took it right after my 10k race, which I crushed. Yeah You got that water bottle we talked about. Hope you enjoy it. That's the. [INAUDIBLE] Look that amazing picture. It's colorful and the rays of light. I mean, you must have been. You must have thought, the entire world was celebrating at you finishing your 10 Okay. That's a good way to put it. Because that's what it looks like. How does the one plus one get a photo like this. I mean it does a really good job, it has a great camera sensor, it has a good sensor. Okay. It's got a good lens in there. All right. But yeah wow, really nice picture, great work Danny. [CROSSTALK] On the ten k. Yeah, and nice job on the ten k, we're really proud of you. If you guys want to send in your phonetography, send us a little story, your picture, and what device you took it on to And you can also send us all sorts of stuff on social media. We are Tomorrow Daily on pretty much every major social media site. If you can't find us, just go find us on twitter. Yea, well you said what I was gonna say. Oh, okay. Alright. What about iTunes and YouTube. You said just look on the things. Oh yea you can. Yeah. Plus, if you're watching it on YouTube, you're already there. You know the drill guys, you know the drill. Like, favorite, subscribe, comment, whatever, all of that good stuff. If you want to come harass us on the internet I'm [INAUDIBLE] on twitter. I thought you already said this? No. All right [INAUDIBLE] anonymous we'll see you guys tomorrow with another [INAUDIBLE] How to end it. We'll be back tomorrow with a brand new docket of weird and wonderful science facts and science fiction smashed together in your face and being awesome. But until then, be good humans. Bye. [MUSIC]

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