Ep. 16: Android under attack!
Ep. 16: Android under attack!

Ep. 16: Android under attack!

Competing outsource galaxy tab New -- and Google's suit yet again all that more coming up in this week's edition of -- -- weekly. Confided with the dated but you know it's Thursday September 14 1616. Once you really know that 110. I'm Jason -- -- -- -- that counts and this week our special guest you heard him just these things because senior editor cell -- reviews Kent German. Thank you for joining us about -- usually when I -- podcast I don't know the date so trying to help -- I appreciate that. Yeah I I usually write that in advance because thinking on the lineup strong because it just said point pipeline I could have just said what is that in the dock which was date in all caps or which means I had to yell at. Or September. -- you know you know today. -- -- council it's terror right into it here the very first story a feeling we are -- this this comes up in the news all the time that. We're hearing that Apple and rim are losing market share Android no way now that is -- news never heard before and have a right. That we've talked about it this this. This is com's core rate of program. Yesterday according to this. Says that he would as it grew Android platform's current market share climb 5%. To seven -- 17%. Of all US smart phone subscribers. And everybody else was falling or in the case of palm. Booed at palm now that is their flat at four point 9% problem and change at all in Israel on minister release an -- device. I I don't know there's no I think as -- -- their web OS they're not ready to let -- Korea now. -- imagine so. So yeah everybody else rim Apple Microsoft all losing between one point 3% and 2.2 percent in court schools -- of eating that up. Yeah it turns out this elaborate things could be big deal. It is. We do -- show about from the incident the market share though it's you have to put it in context most of the time yes. You know there a lot of news this week about -- and -- -- having trouble and it gets a large market share worldwide but that does mean that. They're doing well I mean I think it it is true -- Android. This have to remember that we look at these -- things it is all the house but it sure. But the other interest in part of this. Survey here was totally and related to -- -- which you have violated. Hopefully here and -- can claim as my own. -- -- -- -- -- was the most popular activity according to this comes -- survey with 66% of mobile users sending text messages on their devices so people are text messaging more than their placing calls. I do that but yeah I mean it's certainly true for myself I'd that's like a text message to communicate on my iPhone and 95% of the time. Right now was making calls an option yes I'm trying to figure out that's I'm wondering there it also has web browsing at 33 point 6%. Using a downloaded app at 31 point 4% which there was a study that's interesting very recently that -- like one in four people may -- uses a ballot that which I guess kind of -- -- -- number. -- -- -- -- -- Interest it does not think meeting -- making phone calls now I want I really wonder if that's factored in to hear them and out of Canada just -- that's -- the certificate and that there will be additional -- that you read I think it almost isn't it even anymore and her husband hasn't kept up. Not as much knows I'm gonna yet but I text web browse download -- Maybe play games more dynamic -- yeah. I figure that out at least and quantity of activities. Absolutely. Pisses me. Alright. Movie -- we have vcast. Which is the Verizon store I've I've been a Verizon for a long time and you know before my Android phone I just Apple LG phones I was familiar with -- vcast service then and then of course. -- is. -- -- like their generic brand for overrated different -- yeah well it really started out as there three G streaming media service and they were the first to have it. -- maybe 2000. Bind V6 environment -- on time mitigated it CS and it was there it is -- you -- you know with clips TV shows movie previews things like that and then. -- -- -- still around but they really don't promote it much anymore because it's something anyone wants to use mean. Yeah and it's kind of its own Apple. Apps store before there was the Android app store or whatever which. I always thought this kind of funny when everybody started going all the app -- -- the new big thing -- -- -- -- -- I think an app store you could buy apps through that non -- two or three years -- on -- well that's only in recent. Landing when it really started out it was just the streaming media drives -- they had vcast -- you can download. Music tracks but that's all -- it started -- was developed. That's one of the things that carries this kind of never went anywhere it's -- you know watched it department weather and Andy Peterson and stability and an attachment let her -- you know -- and this is doesn't want paint you know whether listeners somebody tell me. Yeah yeah exactly. Wolf V -- now making itself or trying to make itself more relevant is planning an app -- to compete with the official Android market. So not only to have fragmentation of the devices. We are now kind of entering this world where there might be multiple -- stores. Four user to visit and it we can all agree this is a brilliant idea really and play some grain -- yeah X one and a million people -- -- like I don't know if you necessarily wanna -- I will say. That may -- this is a good idea for those who want a -- cure rated. App -- something where they don't have to go into the app store and filtered through the thousands of apps that were created with app inventor. Or you know just all that although the crummy apps that that kind of yeah pollute I think our store. I think that time would be better spent though pressuring Google to make the apps to make -- better. Rather than I'm now from my own alternative she's revised its its -- it to the Europe story it is confusing and I know that -- and then. That w.s had to sleep and turn -- -- and and we've always -- we've always thought that I think communion with his custom interfaces with landscape and all that stuff needs some leading them. Let it be what a lot of different option for them as well they just wanna sort of -- app store they could have their phones -- about story interface -- still just pulled from Android. Yeah marketplace and featured apps that they like and -- section. He and the marketplace on Verizon phones that is you know like there's and it's if featured apps. And I'm so they -- just -- that they want but instead but there's name here's -- and a developers here's another app store where you can submit your apps to -- We're actually -- you know be in it for the users and really get it. The critical of all apps to come in there for the users. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Well we're gonna block that. For the -- it. But to developers want to have all these different answers yeah I announced they do and I think they want a place where they can say okay because -- complained -- one is that. What we as they have to make their apps -- and -- -- some destroy us honest I cupcakes and as a -- and so forth and then and it seems like. -- be easier for them to just have this one app store and have to create an -- for one restaurant rather than going -- is different groups. Yeah I can speak for the developers areas you know lead in the developed have a developer in the house. I think you know we know that developers don't want this it's. You know. -- is already challenging enough to develop for as saying. We don't want this but. We have seen this with tablets -- -- kind of get -- in a minute but it. Because of the way you know tablets and app store sort of cases working out or marketplace certificates or and a a lot of tablets that have come out so far have their own marketplace. Isn't good for a developer though for their -- to show up to multiple different places and -- of one place. Never really get -- and you've got -- -- five differ marketplaces the five different pools of and anything wanted pros and cons and I think you probably because of the way -- app store the -- places -- consolidates with a number of people -- only of from one place does then your -- you'll be listed higher on those -- have popped sure that's true. -- -- And supports -- -- complicated yeah you know new layer you know adhere to different rules for every carrier -- what -- Is allowed in there and maybe you know when app stores it's like you can stream video here -- -- -- to be disputed -- and another app -- disaster of these does it rate does stream over. -- -- -- -- -- In I think it is sort of very difficult to deal with I mean. There are some nice things that they're gonna happen historic they're gonna have carrier billing. You know which I think has made it a lot easier for them by their apps -- Com they're gonna subscription billing comments and -- guess. That for the most part. What they're offering here. -- I don't know doesn't appeal to me as -- of managing. But tabs now tiger. -- just like playing the devil's advocate. Who you dimple. Boom -- and so moving on we're gonna talk about a fine. Who has a new portable that they claim is not a tablet even though it looks a lot like one to -- It's a big hits what they call it desk top video device don't call -- -- tablet don't college something -- lot of cash a -- right now. All of something really and sex. So this is via via layer. The rated it says his desktop video device that is 3.4 pounds from around 302 point one. And I competes with the the I mean in previously announced. Cisco's C -- -- abstinence. And this is expected to be your I think they announced that its gonna sell for 2000 dollars and chip in October November. So 2000. Dollar four watts and it only works with via via platform so. Presumably you invest a lot of money our audience -- but -- You know hopefully back and -- -- have a -- phones everywhere. This is just kind of an add on to existing system but it you have to wonder you know. When the next prison riot act comes out and has a front facing camera and you can just load ups paper -- times have been on there. And that's 500 bucks. They begin a really had a wired Internet candidates and what times that there. Especially if it's -- and is compatible with a bunch of other platforms where is you're you're locked into. You know -- via active by communities that would deaths but that erodes. Obviously it happens that and discuss the screen don't know if something has to move. -- eleven point six and its nine point 700 so -- point six is pretty big them. Right yes. I mean obviously there they're targeting not the general consumer that are targeting business here which is the same thing -- Cisco is doing with their CS notices. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And -- analysts overall -- be you'll save money elements terror isn't so my original concept of a little. Tablet. Based tablet form factor -- I mean tablet I feel like if I want to do video conferencing. Might. Why -- I just use my computer. Or I wanna dedicated device but I'm gonna wanna be hooked up to like a fifty inch TV and do some as Cisco TelePresence you -- thing. A lot of what do I want this tablet the cost more than my laptop costs that just do video on the. -- and as via via spokeswoman. Set in this interview that is also not intended to be compared or used as like it multimedia. IPad device. Even though it could it could so easily be that -- and have added value or but that's pretty good. And that's -- -- -- and I won't buy one. But you can just links and you really want one that yes it sort of insane nonstop. Love it via right. In other news we alluded earlier to Google you know finding themselves being sued yet again to think there -- a big target these days. Sky hook. Which is basically a Wi-Fi location based service there look at the ones that started the whole driving around. Picking up on Wi-Fi. Points data points declaring that information can be useful. New rules are doing now with street useful and scary -- yeah yeah cats it's always kind of scary when -- -- cars driving around collecting data. I remember my first experience with stereo because -- -- -- at home with my. Touch I think like that innate lit up Google Maps and instantly located -- like went out it know my exact address -- And and I have dug into and -- like it must know my wife -- -- point neighmond. It's scary change that name and you know everything. Yeah -- hit but whether you want us to were not. So you -- the sky -- is now suing Google. For patent infringements. And as -- that says here business interference which I mean sky like. You know when you compare it against Google the behemoth they probably don't have. And now it's a chance to really survive based on their current business model when girl's -- -- -- it's. I mean is that school has forced device manufactures to integrate that are Google's own technology instead. And -- quote superior and user experience -- com. And not just. Users but actually terminate contracts. That these. 130 analysts. -- Apple and I believe including Motorola was one of the Mandarin vendors specifically say they help our most Scott Erickson governments assisted assisted GPS features -- And most of -- other phones out now. And and -- IOS's. Almost if not totally exclusively -- yes. So they goddesses -- that school has. Was -- stay here threatened directly or indirectly do you deny timely and equal. Access to its evolving versions of the Android operating system and or other -- -- up case. -- serious stuff to. Well they stand to make a little bit -- Nice dollars before Google pushes them out of existence completely health policy and -- -- back at the one -- I do definitely agree with. Here is -- up Sierra said that the message today -- is open is certainly not entirely true. The -- -- it on that talk another reason I just think they're not entirely open I think we can agree with them. Yeah now I wouldn't screw that off. Opened faint I believe it's open -- anyway it's it was this has been on the IOS platform it's basically kind of like almost like social cloud based. Kind of integration. Game communities essentially between different games is American. -- for a president I'm I'm not act beyond this I am not a huge gamers to come out country back. It's lose interest to quickly determined that it and and and it reverts. Yeah I'm the only person not playing that a -- That's how happy that. Now -- -- top news story I don't attack everywhere economists say an angry -- items that would and -- the yeah -- -- -- it seems to be a little bit like. McCain senator university -- the -- -- the you can you can get the achievements think currency can. Titles and -- that sort of thing and it seems to be real social. Social environment. Great game and by it's an image of Fran -- invite your friends to play games. And have a pretty long list of titles are far. Actually yeah they do which is kind of promising for the -- platform because gaming it continues to be a very hard. To pay kind of section of the app -- try to find really good quality -- -- read that that number is increasing now on I think what I'm realizing is that a lot of those games were once -- -- now they're being ported over -- Android -- day. The more there and casino NI OS and that is really power in a lot of sale Moses is cams and his -- him iPod Touch thank. -- -- That every time Steve gets up there -- -- -- some cheaper form. You know now. And I estimates about the games though it is it's related to the -- the hardware and exactly design -- Denton placement controls and buttons screen size and sensitivity of the screen and and -- and that's one thing game developer trip to work on Android is that so many devices that the experience going to be completely different. Yeah it's obviously -- -- back to the lowest common denominator or the most common denominator and you know necessary means some devices are just gonna be better for gaming and some -- -- And then some will only have the ability to do on screen controls and -- some will have the ability to do something else that's kind of challenger there. So it's -- -- good news for gaming I think it maybe not so much that open open -- is hitting Android but that it's bringing a lot of really quality games along with the Arab and making the experience a little bit more -- and hopefully that means good things for games -- report. On Android. And let's see here so HTC. They're busy little company they are busy little company. Are already hardware lot of trauma and London this week. Nokia Nokia -- crashed and she sees Carty yeah. They can -- stuff but so. This is a couple announcements and I left that have -- -- Besides haven't but it besides talking about this what's about a minute that's our investment -- has its ACC is also. They're revamping their sense. Since he -- his boxing analyst. So that's user interface -- it sits on top of a lot of their devices and actually exist before Android it was on the touch and a lot of things that happen before that -- -- came along and they went. They're read they're adding new features to -- written action to just -- and Jason opportunities you are talking about new features a minute ago on it and -- -- Yet they. I don't see here the. They need to -- To do it to do. Probably laws -- that but that's okay. A lot of features and -- they're intended to agree with there HTC sense dot com service rate they're going to be interaction between these TC sense and some sort of like cloud based management. It's of the settings in different things -- can you from like remote access centers are an animal like send a message of on the block it it almost -- -- ecosystem based in some lines that. Navigating your device they have you lie for you -- that sits on -- mantras and and they have this. That's website response to comment in Iraq and then -- web -- in -- Sparta was just saying that. Seems like they're really trying to get you to stick with the HTC. And yeah tennis them sit in the eighties -- there and you only think about Apple versus handwriting -- two very distinct ways to think about buying a Smartphone once one is very good system based -- one's not. And it's exactly taking -- in May be trying to push toward that direction very I don't I don't. And I'm a little skeptical of it because. I just think somebody needs some of these kind of things are the open contrast what -- -- to be examined and. President school does not have slated. To a lot of this -- Just centralize your handwritten data I mean they have some in agrees and routine melts the backups aren't contacts and calendar. I'm surprised they haven't have gone further down like the mobile me competitive -- yet it seems like it's TC is trying to compete with directly -- -- You know I feel like for Google that be pretty good thing because they did so the -- -- no matter what Android phone you go to. You can always have you have is easy migration path because everything -- -- centrally. Yeah. Whipping -- it's -- that it recently on that on mundane is that it -- you buy and made him dismissing this when you buy now. On -- Android market and then use western your hands. You can keep did you get it free again when you if you try to download the purchased a -- in view I believe your purchases tied to your Google IV which certainly if you within North America and get one as -- -- wasn't working farming unit purchases and yet maybe and it has signed an eternity. Ray yeah I have not ever switch to a different model phone but -- gone through a couple during its dominant. And been able to read downloaded apps today. Battery part of that authorizes it period and as far as -- now and yes I could have been used for good. And yes of then of course they have the new phones the desire disease puzzles the desire HD. And both look pretty slick -- -- say the HTC. Hardware it is. I really -- I've been continually taken by their hardware. And I just I just wish that HTC's once and always putting there. -- cents over the top although I will say that I don't all the over the top you know. Kind of treatments there is -- -- -- census is really. The easiest to use hands. Sort of the most minimal. -- -- -- In -- -- like Sony Ericsson's use your XP user experience in her face and Pakistan where. It's pretty and it looks nice but -- it's definitely Sony Ericsson there's no Trace of Google at all its main -- Right whereas -- clearly is no nobler thing that I got this senses I don't like the the -- you. Love to hate -- hate the lovely to be president hasn't hindered peer actually no no skiing yeah right but -- little unit suddenly now. Yeah harbors dishonest supersize it is on Google today integrated so of those features -- and all be happy. Now so the desires the that's European of the two. Okay yes that's. Alright well that is that we've got a bunch of other tablet is actually to come up but first we're gonna -- to operate. -- Got it. Welcome back. There are right now he had done you know save the -- for after the show it will play that that -- repeat. -- of its tablet news here to touch on real quick the first bit of news problem won't surprise you. That's. The fears that this slows the the and listless and and it analysts. We are basically saying that Android tablets -- surpass. IPad. Which when you think about it kind of -- what's going on the phone market right now. -- embarrassment is that there's a -- -- manufactures. You know it's bound to happen. And they'll be and if they have Kerry and if there Terry axis of -- in multiple carriers. -- And lest. Google stops them. Which they're kind of trying to do very. That Google has come out and says. Sort of last Friday I think after there's a lot of announcements. Andrew tablets that. You know -- -- is -- actually really ready for tablet and that if you -- develop a tablet. Based on ghoul. Who operated system to be Croats. Which I mean was initially you know -- was kind of the -- -- netbook. Alas -- that now they're basically saying you know Chrome is probably the better -- to be put into tablet form factor 2.2. Android 2.2 isn't meant for tablets even though. There's a whole slew of titles coming out on 2.2. You know a lot of those tablets don't have what school. Says is required functionalities. Like the phone you know built into it very -- sort of thing and what you end up then live is the tablet that doesn't have access to the marketplace -- -- Google doesn't want you to have access to it. If half the apps aren't gonna -- advice. Right and -- seen this kind of for now when ginger bread and honey -- come out though most likely be a lot of outlet. Specific features and tablet. Optimization is to the API so that that'll be a good time to develop it. The feel like it's kind of confusing message here what are you what is it great for -- is Chrome for. You know. In other putting Android on there set top boxes -- -- opening Chrome. There. I don't know it's don't know what's. When it anymore yet the very quit using distinction especially considering that they're saying on one hand Chrome would be fantastic on tablets and then on the other hand but the later versions of -- it'll be fantastic about how it's too late okay well then why need to develop one you know vs the others just to confuse -- from a consumer standpoint. They're both Google offerings like how how is the general -- going to know which -- the better choice. -- and a Missouri. Gammons hopefully -- too -- now Apple's strategy of like you know -- s.'s for devices and Mac OS at least for now is or. Computers right. In an apartment -- -- -- is our computers but it. Humans not have that all right let's not -- -- it worked for. Perhaps it's. Instead of let's talk about -- Samsung galaxy tab which we've talked about planning on the show. Few bits of news here first of all preview great -- UK. -- an article earlier today I believe that basically says that Amazon UK. Through the galaxy tab up and the price tag was pretty astonishing. Oh is it at 799. Panels. But the -- quickly reduce 2680. Pound a little is at all leveling the thousand dollars. He's minimum one via. Very expensive. It's weighing more expensive -- -- -- But then there's some conflicting news -- -- because there's another. Story. I'm from -- Samsung officials and official announcement. Saying that -- might be more in the -- was a two to 300 dollar range. Add to 300 dollars in the US is gonna be an events in New York City is where you'd expect it yeah I think that's where you pay a little bit more. However this device is going to be tied to. Carriers are and it's gonna it's gonna be -- and you'll be able to go to best buy and it is -- yes. And I guess we'll find out believes that -- will be the first ones and the events going to be tonight -- an -- -- actually began a program less than an hour woo -- tank. We're gonna miss it the initial what you think about this whole tablet tied to the carriers thing I mean how many different data plans there would -- it be expected to. I have -- It's not you know I don't know I don't exactly now I don't know it'll work like some over but for instance netbooks I would hope that. It's going to be some sort of unlimited thing but you know the carriers moving away from that a little bit when you get on the Smartphones. AT&T doesn't do that anymore -- prices between parent to wean itself. Not really sure I would think that it's gonna be cheaper -- America calls the -- the overall plan of course. And I would you know may get -- -- thing that's you know maybe. I don't think any unlimited power management. I get a data plan that's good from tablet and my laptop and from my phones that land just covers like a blanket yes and I you know that's not something they really -- typically offer that you can -- certainly -- him he's -- it locks you into one carriers it was a -- -- -- -- from Verizon but I governments -- phoned me into the -- my mobile card from sprint. I think it's indicate a little bit -- -- get -- at all. You know and you get it on line I mean it it it didn't that it would be technical issues with that in the sense that. It it could work like a family planned sort of thing where you're gonna say -- Yeah they have to have some that some guards or whatever the Miami on the device which -- number that. Tells a carrier that devices ballot to work on the carrier that have to be able to fit on us to get a which -- -- -- family plan format if you wanna share them and. Think it's really doing things more than it is now you know the technical way make the mall actually -- -- number but. I feel like they need something if there's a reason of mass adoption of like plants but now that you I don't know there's so many monthly easier paying your cable -- in your -- -- Her Internet at home and it is it's. -- I just don't that they I mean if they're -- think Samsung well offer. An option for not working -- a carrier because. There's people that just aren't gonna need that -- as an iPad. Wi-Fi and I had AT&T'S that if you know. Scenario that we have because I think of arid environment I just I I personally I wouldn't use it here for this because I have a Smartphone and I can get. But any and on the Smartphone and -- -- -- have a couple. Exactly the problem there -- of course at least right now in in the tablets days that's the super Android is that patent probably means that it's on subsidized. So it cost ends up being more and how does that compare against the iPad which. Is the is the denominator in the space right now. And does so much for comparatively so much lasts for an advocate and perhaps it succeeds -- have to -- -- -- collapsed when it. -- and it -- like potentially they don't quite get that it's almost like they think that. A tablet brings with it the you know this this great -- that people -- because it's a big deal right now -- -- you know they can just going -- the iPad for -- and it does just as much if not more. Whatever people are gonna choose -- I think you're ready to -- and most consumers mines the argument is convinced me why shouldn't buy and I exactly outlook. And if you're gonna have subsidized price than it going to be talking about some sort contract that's gonna keep you you -- -- carrier person here yeah absolutely meticulous. Sure it you. -- old -- -- Motorola Android tablet we've talked about not a lot in the past and will sad trombone here it's coming early 2011 it'll be out by the end of this year. As they had initially. Kind of hinted that -- It looks like at the -- -- bank technology conference yesterday. As is that that CEO Sanjay job Motorola obviously said. That. I will only develop a tablet if it is sufficiently compelling hopefully that as early next year that could be kind of it really misspoke here a little bit should probably read I will only release a tablet yeah actually developed one yeah yeah doesn't that -- -- can ask yourself -- -- -- it they haven't even developed ready yet the network elements the pillow I think we've decided that it might be a good idea to develop one now that's an aspect. It's a scene photo and that piece consists from the click introduction last year here in San Francisco. It -- that's -- -- they did program description. Yes and it together in -- -- at the appearance company who. -- -- -- -- Of next year for Motorola's which I think Motorola has potential to also -- -- -- Now lot of buzz behind their tablet Motorola I think has the potential -- lot of buzz around theirs as well just you know based on. Kind of the -- that they've they were able to gather around the Motorola Android and at the launch yeah exactly but to call. And three PO if I had enough to protect. VR two I have no idea. An Acer is also. -- -- we talked about how they've you know had some seven intention hundred tablets in the works. They also have a five inch tablet supposedly and that will be based on Android three -- will roll out some time in the first quarter of when he eleventh so. Few little bit more device. News coming from Acer and in this story it says that it -- -- -- -- both handset and tablet PC functionality. So does that mean you'll be able to make calls on at the -- bills yeah that's gonna be like street competitor exactly. Yeah. Actually Ericsson -- thing I was trying to find -- -- Pretty sure I wonder if this is because we reporter on the Motorola Everest for a little bit which is the pre which is that it code name -- tomorrow Android tablet. Though Verizon's for -- to carry. -- and last I heard a response to do an October actually -- -- -- there -- -- And they must so in other words they have developed one. They just don't like -- -- -- it's not -- not knowing payments and I think that's the right thing -- you know. Again the last year or are cheaper or. You know better than that. Which. Mean that's our. Trade and have to be to be competitive right now you have to be this and there's so much traction by yet now I think you have really wanted to be out. Yeah and I doubt that anyone on the first prize going to be died you right now because -- kind of settled with Saddam -- -- U -- elements the have to work on and those are -- ball. Best mainstream. U -- elements of their visit compared so. At least be how have to Prescott is in an -- frankly it's an out of the reach financially -- You know I think as a mass market device at this point yeah it. -- -- Our rights. Still Justin I hear that you've been checking. You know the new apps I have. So I am. A big fan of audible in general the end a bit and got -- -- intolerable. The most part on -- -- -- -- -- -- -- And name Ottawa actually released apps for -- and for -- -- and some exciting things here is he can actually download your books directly to the applicants that actually the honorable as a -- service. That is you know minor check -- library. -- or CDs you just download digital books and you can get the subscription or you can buy individual book. So this -- -- -- sort of browse and buy and download books directly from the device or com it has. Pretty really nice interface actually. You can jump to different chapters of the -- like the built in sleep timer. Has really nice graphical elements from the book -- and so you recover and some -- that is gonna. Featured here -- the -- like fish. Nice you made it. Fifth minute refuted can you preview like some of the books before you buy -- Check out exactly and I know on the site you can definitely previews of books and I definitely. -- always preview books because sometimes you get an error -- error and that way hello. The -- and there is reason this is important is the content it is like actually browse -- lot. Times by narrator because there's some people like despite absolutely -- only do you have a famous person use anchor. I'm a big fan of Scott brick. Who's famous in the audible world today habit com and net listen to books like -- Al Franken. -- and that's pretty state could get all worked out that. It's -- -- on this. Trying to picture Al Franken getting worked up than anything. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- One I did some scanning for some notable laughs and I really couldn't find much of anything but I'll go ahead and throw -- -- that fruit and does pretty awesome that's and that can actually that ties and -- network there were -- -- -- the open -- network. -- -- talking about earlier in the show and it's -- -- nine incidents in. You sliced fruit and try to avoid the bombs it's actually very addicting -- lot of -- -- on fruit rather than it. Sounds like the we are quite war you wear on we don't worry -- more thorough threatened. There's one really do all these -- activity yeah Eduardo worldly okay I have that I am plus one time it's bizarre -- Compelling them all oh yeah it's us. It's kind of creepy. But it directly in a cool way ambulances and the like now pull this guy's nose hair yeah -- -- -- ways that you wanted to be in the room -- -- camera sat around and and drug yeah yeah Lego who I know we you know is there. Yeah I know Sears great sure -- -- ever want to bigger they would a lot of school. Cool we'll check that out and you know hopefully more notable apps -- not actually capture an assignment I'm sure we'll hear from you. About that. -- of the week. This is a really quick one and it might not really apply to a lot of people probably only applies to hardware keyboard. Device owners buy it Darren Kitchen on Hak5 yesterday pointed out to me. A nifty little collage to windows phones on the Android. On my -- -- if you a slide open the keyboard and you hold down. Shift. Alt and then hit the delete key. Can all believe it actually reviewed -- -- I had no idea that you could do that -- -- tried as -- it is. Has crashed and as if it works to see if it would override it naturally now I haven't I just tried it. I tried it once he'd mentioned it to me and my phone was in an okay state. I will give a little -- -- however I haven't tried it since because when I did it -- I I think what what happened is right for I did it I got a little notice that said that my internal memory was almost full. And what it did the restart it I ended up in this continuous restart loop and I ended up having to reinstall my OS I don't think it was because the shift alt delete. I think it was because it restarted and there was no room on the internal memory for it to do whatever it needed to do and your process right I could be wrong but it just seemed like the perfect kind of storm of events that happened there so. I I think be forewarned that that happened to me but I don't really think that that's gonna happen if you restart your phone using this it's -- like it's a different type restart it's just it's just rebooting. That is crazy yeah it kind of sucked on spent all day yesterday -- like. -- like -- setting up my home screens public access to start scratch. Only you had an HTT felony could have backed -- to at least -- -- TC sense that com I'm she I'm sure there was an easier way for me to do it yesterday to get back to normal state that. I seem to like to make things really difficult. RA that's on the memo we got an email to -- analyst at cnet.com from Bob but. And he says. -- last week's show. Which he enjoyed watching those through the -- it's. You speculated on how -- hundred phone apps would stone tablets. Well I have a Chinese. He can 300. Which I think maybe we've talked about on the show wants to -- maybe that was the I've that the product shots that look exactly -- iPad then yeah this is true. -- So he basically downloaded day BK and side -- the CNET news that actually on to -- tablet. And we have some screen shots that he sent us from this that sort of because Johnson say that. The app actually scaled pretty well. So here's the home -- in the world -- which is little lot of the icon panel looks. Looks the same as for her as it -- -- moderated. And then as you go in the little screen grid looks really really big right -- -- -- space it out purposefully like that but it. If it's still liked. You know. Four by four. I'm not generate -- uses -- That's -- but it wouldn't be surprised given all we saw from the Canada -- that path on would be Sprint's corporate. Anyway so it pretty much just looks like the the radio -- com. Except there's a lot more room in fact -- -- more categories at the top. You know -- it pretty much has scaled pretty well and in fact skills lot better than a seeing iPhone apps do and I've yeah what their levels of two -- doppler and there. I'm so thanks Bob for and then also you know into -- see how other apps do and it. Have to do anything special to do that. Yeah exactly like other apps that are more graphics integrated to Tennessee scale -- -- -- -- -- birds on there and this yes. Possible can't thank you so much for joining us disarm this -- this is awesome and people can follow you will in a number of different ways beat you podcast -- blogging where can people find it. Well you can find me for podcasts in the violent piled in -- -- separate Wednesday at 2 PM Pacific. You can follow me on -- and that album blogging and it's Kent German on Twitter. Awesome. Right on well you can you can get in touch with us for the show if you have any questions for us there -- related you -- you -- and hundred outlets at cnet.com. -- hit us up on Twitter were -- -- Our live shows every Thursday to PM Pacific on -- -- that's cnet.com slash live flash and -- -- And finally combine all this information on our blog cnet.com slash. -- -- that's it now the show. Ramadan so next week is Jason last week alone as I know I almost forgot and don't forget to tune in yes. -- And yes I will definitely be here for next week's episode and I haven't seen that that would be it for myself but the show will continue you'll go on yeah that's right -- -- go on. Who Apple continues to -- to middle. Are right we'll see is actually I have.

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