Nintendo 3DS Miis and QR codes put the CNET UK team in your pocket

CNET UK in my pocket, as cute as can be! We've created Mii avatars of the CNET UK team, along with unique barcodes for each, so Nintendo 3DS owners can scan and download our likenesses.

Luke Westaway Senior editor
Luke Westaway is a senior editor at CNET and writer/ presenter of Adventures in Tech, a thrilling gadget show produced in our London office. Luke's focus is on keeping you in the loop with a mix of video, features, expert opinion and analysis.
Luke Westaway
2 min read

Thanks to the addictive Nintendo 3DS Mii Maker software and a quiet lunch hour in the office, now you too can carry the CNET UK team around in your pocket!

That's right, we've created 3DS Miis of the whole editorial contingent, and posted them here along with a unique QR code for each Mii. Using the 3DS' built-in camera, you can download our Miis on to your console, where you can poke at our pudgy virtual bellies with a stylus.

The QR uploading and scanning system on the 3DS has us seriously impressed. Here's how to download Miis using that scanning tech...

First fire up the Mii Maker software on your 3DS, and pick QR Code/Image options from the first menu. On the next screen choose 'Scan QR Code' then point the 3DS' front-facing camera at the QR code on your screen, lining the edges of the code square up with the on-screen guidelines. When the 3DS registers a QR code, the Mii it identifies will dramatically pop out of the console's upper screen. And that's that.

You can see our actual real-life faces on the Meet the Team page -- how well did we do recreating our likenesses? In the image above, from top to bottom, left to right you can observe:

  • News hound Reckless Rich Trenholm
  • Gangly gadabout Luke "If you're not living on the edge you're taking up too much room" Westaway
  • Mobile maven Flora "F-Bomb" Graham
  • Master sub Charles "Danger" Kloet (who fortunately doesn't look like that at all)
  • Car expert Rory "Ridonkulous" Reid
  • Editor Jason "The Boss" Jenkins
  • Grammar Jedi Nick "Unexpected Item In The Bagging Area" Hide

If you feel like uploading your own Mii, there's an option to save either a picture of your Mii or a unique QR code to the console's SD card. Feel free to upload your own Mii to our Facebook page, and if you've managed to make a cool-looking video game character or celebrity in the Mii Maker software, we want to see that too!

View the full CNET UK Mii collection on our mirthsome Facebook fan page.