Call of Duty Warzone adds solo mode

It's 1 vs. 149.

Oscar Gonzalez Former staff reporter
Oscar Gonzalez is a Texas native who covered video games, conspiracy theories, misinformation and cryptocurrency.
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Oscar Gonzalez
Call of Duty Warzone

Who needs a team? 


Call of Duty Warzone launched March 11 with only a squad mode for players. A new update will now let players go at it by themselves. 

Warzone's solo mode went live Tuesday. Players will participate in 150-person matches by themselves until they're eliminated or the victor. 

Warzone is the Call of Duty battle royale mode and is available for free on PC, PS4 and Xbox One. Matches take place in the city of Verdansk and players have to scavenge equipment in order to survive. Unlike other battle royale games such as Fortnite and Apex Legends, Warzone gives players a second chance after they've been eliminated by fighting to re-enter the match in the Gulag. This prison pits players against each other in one-versus-one fights with the winner being able to redeploy into the battlefield.